Equity and Health in Youth Sports
Equity & Health In Youth Sports


Equity in Youth Sports
Mental & Physical Health
Subsidy Program
Economic Shifts
Necessity or Luxury

How to Cite

Tompros, N., Gianvecchio, L. ., D’Antonio, P. ., Kamadia, J., Moscuzza, A., Milne, J., … Bath, T. (2024). Equity and Health in Youth Sports. Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education, 6, 109–120. https://doi.org/10.69520/jipe.v6i.193


This study explores the significance of youth sports and highlights its multifaceted importance for today's children as well as the next generations. This report will start by examining the economic shifts for families across southern Ontario who want to be able to provide their children with the opportunity to play sports. The rising cost associated with youth sports poses challenges for families, from expensive equipment to travel expenses to coaching fees and the financial burden it has on many families who want to provide their children with the opportunity to play sports. Addressing the economic barriers in youth sports will ensure that all children in Ontario will have equitable access to the benefits that organized sports offer. Following this section, we continue to examine the importance of both physical and mental health among children and the challenges children face. Regular participation in sports enhances cardiovascular health, builds muscular strength, and improves overall physical health. Through many studies provided below, we will also highlight the importance of youth mental and physical health. Lastly, this report will highlight the next steps and recommendations regarding the current subsidy programs that are offered throughout some municipalities.

[Abstract continued in the article PDF]



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