Editorial Team

Managing Editor

Anju KakkarAnju Kakkar, MBA, IMBB™,
Humber College, Research & Innovation

Editorial Board

Dr. Ann Marie VaughanDr. Ann Marie Vaughan,
President & CEO, Humber College

Dr. Melanie Spence-Ariemma  Dr. Melanie Spence-Ariemma,
Vice-Provost and Chief Academic Officer of Guelph-Humber

Ginger GrantDr. Ginger Grant,
Dean, Office of Research & Innovation

Emma SmithDr. Emma Smith,
Associate Dean, Research and Development, Office of Research & Innovation

Dr. Sharon M. McIntyreDr. Sharon M. McIntyre (M.Ed., DSocSci),
President, New Cottage Industries & Co.

Sarah Watts-RynardSarah Watts-Rynard, Chief Executive Officer,
Polytechnics Canada

Thomas Iskov, Docent, PhD.Dr. Thomas Iskov, (Docent, PhD)
VIA University College

Richard Emes Richard Emes, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation
Nottingham Trent University

Mbasa Mwawembe Mbasa Mwawembe, Principal,
Managochi Community Technical College

2023 marks a new chapter for JIPE as new members are joining the JIPE Editorial Board. More members will be added as they accept their invitations.

JIPE thanks the editorial board members 2018-2022:

Chris Whitaker,
President & CEO, Humber College

Tom Roemer,
Vice-President, Academic, British Columbia Institute of Technology

Peter Friese,
Pro-Rector/Vice President, VIA University College

Anne Eskola,
Principal Lecturer, JAMK University of Applied Science

Minna Tunkkari-Eskelinen,
Principal Lecturer, JAMK University of Applied Science

John Walsh,
Vice-Provost & CEO, University of Guelph-Humber