JIPE: A Platform for Change & Collaboration

A team of people's hands interlocking together symbolizing collaboration

JIPE: A Platform for Change & Collaboration

At JIPE, we are dedicated to championing a chorus of voices and focusing unwaveringly on research with the potential to reshape the world. Join us in this endeavour—your insight, research, and voice are the keystones of this transformative journey.

JIPE's guiding principles:

  1. Welcoming All Voices: A Symphony of Collaboration
    At JIPE, we provide a platform where every voice—be they faculty members, scholars, researchers, innovators, administrative and support staff, students, or alumni—finds its echo. It's a gathering where the symphony of ideas leads to the crescendo of innovation. Our commitment to collaboration underlines the importance of inclusivity, and every contribution enriches the field. This is our call to you: Join us in this collaborative journey, where your voice is not just heard but shared and celebrated.
  2. Bringing in More Perspectives: A Definitive Stand on Diversity
    Journeys are made richer by the diversity of its travellers. JIPE stands firmly on the principle of openness, warmly welcoming thinkers and innovators from all corners of the globe and from every research discipline. We recognize the strength that lies in diversity—the myriad perspectives that converge to challenge the status quo, sparking insights that transcend boundaries. To accommodate the varied needs and preferences of our authors, JIPE not only offers both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed options but also provides various categories of submissions. This inclusive approach ensures that scholars, faculty, researchers, innovators, students, staff, or alumni can share their insights in the format that best suits their work. JIPE continues to open its doors wide to all kinds of authors, embracing the full spectrum of voices in the research and innovation community.
  3. Making Research Matter: Be the Catalyst for Change
    We aspire to transcend the traditional confines of academic publishing. At JIPE, we aim to showcase research that catalyzes real-world change, bridging the gap between theoretical exploration and tangible impact. We urge our contributors to ponder deeply on the potential impact of their findings—how does your research serve as a beacon for educational improvement or societal advancement? Our platform is a launchpad for ideas that ignite change, inspire action, and foster a culture of meaningful innovation. Let your work be the spark that drives progress, a catalyst for change in a world eager for solutions.