Preserving and Promoting Academic Integrity in a Changing Post-secondary Landscape
Promoting Academic Integrity Framework by Miron & Fenning (c) 2020


academic integrity
strategic planning

How to Cite

Miron, J., Cameron, T., & Wojtalik, S. (2022). Preserving and Promoting Academic Integrity in a Changing Post-secondary Landscape. Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education, 4(2), 1–7.


Rapid and necessary changes to the delivery of education in the post-secondary setting during CoVID challenged our traditional ways of thinking, being, and doing within higher education. Responsibilities to ensure quality educational offerings included the need to ensure the integrity of our efforts. Preserving and promoting academic integrity during these uncertain times were challenging and required a focused, thoughtful, and deliberate shared approach. One faculty within a large urban Canadian post-secondary setting set out to strategically plan efforts that would support and promote integrity within their faculty of health sciences and wellness. A framework created by one of the authors served to anchor the discussions and planning. Lessons from this work are important to understand and share and could offer other higher educational organizations suggestions for similar work.


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