Building An Interprofessional Practice Approach In a Polytechnic Institution Beginning With Health-Care Education and Embracing The Concept As An Operational Leadership Imperative
Abstract spheres emerging from a pool representing the generation of ideas, innovation, and research


: Interprofessional education and practice, innovation, modeling, collaboration

How to Cite

Ross, C. (2024). Building An Interprofessional Practice Approach In a Polytechnic Institution Beginning With Health-Care Education and Embracing The Concept As An Operational Leadership Imperative. Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education, 6.


Polytechnic educational institutions have led the way in providing innovative and dynamic programming to students that meet industry needs. They serve as leaders of collaboration and agents of change not only in their respective programs but also in the way they conduct themselves as responsible businesses. This essay chronicles a series of decisions and events that have allowed one polytechnic higher education institution to adapt to changing times and embrace a new model of budget planning for the future. The ability for the polytechnic to change and move forward is truly remarkable. George Brown College has been able to incorporate crucial new ways of designing and creating budgets that assist the college workforce to feel connected and determined to effect its mission.


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