Advancing Post-Admission Academic Language Support at a Canadian Polytechnic Institute


Academic language needs
English as an Additional Language students
communication skills
international students
newcomers to Canada

How to Cite

Brooks, D., & Devos, N. J. (2023). Advancing Post-Admission Academic Language Support at a Canadian Polytechnic Institute . Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education, 5, 50–57.


This paper addresses the challenges faced by higher education institutions in English-speaking countries regarding the linguistic preparedness of students for academic study in English. The rising number of English as an Additional Language (EAL) students struggling to meet learning outcomes has prompted post-secondary institutions to prioritize the development of academic language abilities. The paper reviews various forms of post-admission language support employed globally and presents a framework for defining and classifying them. It then presents how one Canadian polytechnic institute incorporates some of these forms to address the challenge of students needing to develop language proficiency and academic content literacy in the limited timeframe of polytechnic diploma programs. By reporting on their context-specific experiences in implementing forms of language support, post-secondary institutions will better be able to help each other reach the goal of assisting EAL students to succeed not only in their academic programs but also in their future careers.


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