Nurse Faculty Experience with Research at a Polytechnic: A Qualitative Study
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Ha, C., & Press, M. (2018). Nurse Faculty Experience with Research at a Polytechnic: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education, 1(1).


There is increasing pressure to engage in research within the polytechnic and college sector, which is a role not historical to the setting (Roberts & Glod, 2013). There is little literature that applies to polytechnic and college faculty as it pertains to engaging in research. The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the lived experiences of nurse faculty at a polytechnic, and the barriers and facilitating factors they experienced as they engaged in a large research project. Seven faculty members participated in total. Five of the seven faculty members participated in two different focus groups, and the remaining two faculty members participated in individual interviews. Faculty were recruited from those who had recently participated in a large, collaborative research project at the institution. The participants experienced being a learner, being part of a community of practice, experiencing frustration, and needing more support in their ability to complete the research project. These fndings are supported by the literature related to university faculty engaging in research. Recommendations for facilitating faculty’s engagement in research include providing access to a variety of library databases, professional development opportunities, and institutional supports.
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